Community Outreach
A key part of our vision is to reach out and serve the community around us, while providing opportunities for people to come together for fellowship. Find out more about our many activities and projects here.

Foodbank Support
St Fagan’s and St Luke’s support the Merthyr Cynon Foodbank. There are collection points in both churches where you can leave donations of non-perishable food items. St Lleurwg’s supports the foodbank run by Ramoth Christian Centre in the village. There is a collection point in the church porch.

Period Poverty / Warm Hub
St Winifred’s provides free sanitary products every Tuesday from 12noon-2pm. In the winter, we operate at this time as a Warm Hub. Tea, coffee and chat also available!

Food Pantry
St Fagan’s operates Pantri Cariad, our social supermarket. We have a wide range of fresh and tinned/packet foods available along with nappies and household items, all free of charge. Tea and coffee also available. We operate every other Saturday from 2.30pm-4pm. For more details, and dates of forthcoming sessions, please contact Peta Maidman on 07908 789745.

Mothers Union
St Fagan’s branch meets on the first Tuesday of every month in St Fagan’s Hall at 7pm for a mixture of worship, social events, speaker evenings, quizzes and bingo. New members and visitors always welcome. Contact Alison Jones for more details on 01685 877051. St Lleurwg's branch meets on the third Wednesday of every month for our Corporate Eucharist service at 10.30am, followed by tea, coffee, sandwiches, and cake and our meeting in the church hall. Contact Lynne Davies for more details on 01685 811348.

Mothers Guild
Meets on the first Wednesday of the month in St Lleurwg’s Church Hall for fellowship and social time. We also organise numerous trips during the year. Contact Ann Rossiter on 01685 811788 for more details.

Come and Chat
Every Monday, 9.00-11.30am, St Lleurwg’s Church Hall. Tea, coffee, and toast (£1.50 each) and company.

Tea and Toast
Every Monday, 9.30-11am, St Fagan’s Hall. Tea, coffee, toast, (all free), newspapers available.

Caffi Cinio
Lunch club, every Thursday at 1pm in St Fagan’s Hall. £4 for a two-course meal. Call Elizabeth Makin on 01685 872827 to book your meal.

Quiz Night
First Monday of every month, 7.30pm in the Red Cow pub, Llwydcoed. £2 per person entry, form a team in advance or on the night.

Fun Bingo
The first Wednesday of every month, 2pm in St Luke’s Hall. 50p per game, prizes for a line and a house.

Company at Christmas
A full day of entertainment, fellowship and company including a three-course Christmas meal on Christmas Day in St John’s School, for any who are on their own. All free, but £5 deposit required to book your place (returned on the day). Bookings start mid-November. Contact Carolyn Walton-Freeman on 07771 861979 for more information.

School Uniform Exchange
During the summer holidays we operate a uniform exchange, where people donate uniform which is no longer needed and then it is free for anyone who can make use of it. Further information will be available on this website or St Fagan’s Facebook page at the time.

School Holiday Lunch Club
We provide a nutritious two course meal for families, free of charge, normally once a week during the school holidays, in St Fagan’s Hall. Contact Peta Maidman on 07908 789745 for more details.

St Elvan’s Community Heritage Project
St Elvan’s plays host to a wide variety of concerts, talks, and exhibitions run by the Community Heritage Trust. Spires Coffee Shop is open daily inside the church from 10am-4pm. For a full list of events please see

Welsh Language Provision
Welsh language Eucharist (with bilingual service books), every 1st Sunday of the month, 4.30pm in St Fagan’s Church.

“Clonc Cynon”
An opportunity to chat in Welsh, every Wednesday 11.30-12.30 in the Green Room, St Elvan’s

British Sign Language Class
Every Friday, 2-4pm, St Lleurwg’s Church Hall. All welcome.
Church and Community Halls available to hire
St Fagan’s Community Hall
To book please visit
St Winifred’s Church & Hall
Enquiries to Elizabeth Peters, 07597 158205
St Luke’s Church Hall
Enquiries to Irene Maddox, 01685 873746
St Elvan’s Church
For details about spaces for hire please see
St Lleurwg’s Church Hall
Enquiries to Robert or Rose Jones, 07747 706137
St Elvan’s Parish Hall
For details, please see